Sunday, October 21, 2012

Apple parts ways with hacker famous for iPhone jailbreaking

Nicholas Allegra, who was hired last year after gaining fame at JailBreakMe, was let go after not responding to an e-mail offering to extend his employment.

Apple's experiment with employing a hacker 
famous for jailbreaking the iPhone has ended.

Nicholas Allegra, also known as Comex, was 
hired at Apple after gaining fame with the 
JailBreakMe,a Web site that simplified the 
process of removing Apple-installed 
protections from the phone -- a practice Apple 
opposes.When Apple hired him as an intern in 
August 2011, Allegra was a high-profile member 
of the jailbreaking community, regularly 
publicizing security vulnerabilities in 
Apple's iOS software.

However, Apple ended the 20-year-old Brown 
University student's employment last week, Allegra revealed today.
"So... no point in delaying. As of last week, after about a year, I'm no longer associated with Apple," he tweeted this afternoon. 

"As for why? Because I forgot to reply to an email," he wrote in a follow-up tweet.


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